The Graph Rising: A Comprehensive Guide to Upgrading to the Decentralized Network

The Graph Rising: A Comprehensive Guide to Upgrading to the Decentralized Network

Explore the Three Phases, Key Features, and Optimization Tips for a Seamless Upgrade

The Graph Rising initiative marks a significant step towards a fully decentralized ecosystem in The Graph Network. This initiative focuses on transitioning users from a previously offered hosted service to the core decentralized network. The hosted service, while valuable in demonstrating the power of The Graph, ultimately limited some key benefits associated with decentralization.

The Graph Rising initiative aims to empower developers with greater control, transparency, and resilience through a fully decentralized network.

PS: All dates, timestamps, and posts referenced in this article are current as of the publication date and may not reflect subsequent updates or changes.

Overview of the Three Phases

The Graph Rising initiative unfolds in three distinct phases, designed to ease the transition from the hosted service to a fully decentralized network. This section covers the three phases, comparison to previous models and their key features:

Phase 1: Sunray (Completed - April 10th, 2024)

Phase 1, also referred to as Sunray, laid the groundwork for a smooth transition to the decentralized network by focusing on accessibility and simplifying the upgrade process for developers accustomed to the hosted service.

Comparison to the Previous Model:

Before Sunray, upgrading subgraphs to The Graph Network presented a significant hurdle for developers. The process itself was more complex, requiring a deeper understanding of the network's architecture. Additionally, there were limited options for free exploration and experimentation. This could act as a deterrent, especially for developers new to web3 or those hesitant to invest resources without a thorough understanding of the network's functionalities.

  • Key Features of Sunray:

    • Free Query Plan: Sunray introduced a free query plan, allowing developers to experiment and build on The Graph Network at no initial cost (100,000 queries per month). This addresses the need for exploration and experimentation at no initial cost, allowing them to test the network's capabilities, build prototypes, and gain valuable insights without any financial commitment. This feature is particularly beneficial for smaller-scale projects, hackathons, hobbyist developers, and those simply evaluating the network's suitability for their dapps.

    • Ideal Upgrade Interface: Recognizing the complexity of the previous upgrade process, Sunray introduced a user-friendly upgrade interface. This interface streamlines the transition for hosted service users by guiding them through a series of intuitive steps. It simplifies converting subgraphs, making them compatible with the decentralized network. This significantly reduces the technical expertise required for the upgrade, allowing developers of all experience levels to participate in the migration.

    • Easy Credit Card Payments: Previously, payments for queries on The Graph Network were primarily made using cryptocurrency. While this aligns with the decentralized philosophy, it might pose a barrier for developers unfamiliar with crypto wallets or those preferring traditional payment methods. Sunray addressed this concern by introducing the option for easy credit card payments using fiat currency. This familiar payment method removes a potential obstacle for developers who might otherwise hesitate to engage with the network.

    • Expanded Blockchain Support: The Graph Network already supported a significant number of blockchains(40+ different chains as at April 2024), allowing developers to build dapps for various ecosystems. Sunray further expanded this support by adding a substantial number of new blockchains. This broader compatibility empowers developers to leverage The Graph Network's functionalities for a wider range of decentralized applications, promoting innovation across a more diverse blockchain landscape.

Phase 2: Sunbeam - Promoting Network Adoption

Phase 2, also known as Sunbeam, focuses on facilitating the actual upgrade process for hosted service users and providing comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition. This phase addresses the need for a clear timeline, dedicated assistance, and incentives to encourage developers to fully embrace the decentralized network.

Comparison to Previous Model:

The hosted service model didn't offer a dedicated upgrade window or a structured support system for transitioning to the decentralized network. Developers were left to navigate the upgrade process at their own pace, potentially encountering challenges without readily available assistance. This lack of guidance could lead to delays and hinder the overall migration process.

Key Features of Sunbeam:

  • Upgrade Window (ends June 12th, 2024): Sunbeam introduces a clearly defined upgrade window, ending on June 12th, 2024. This timeframe provides hosted service users with a specific timeline for upgrading their subgraphs to The Graph Network. Having a set deadline promotes organization and encourages developers to plan and execute the upgrade within the designated window.

Here's a post that simplifies the upgrade process:

  • Dedicated Upgrade Support: Recognizing the potential challenges that might arise during the upgrade process, Sunbeam offers dedicated support via email and a Discord server. This ensures that developers can access timely assistance and readily address any issues they encounter while upgrading their subgraphs. The ability to connect with experienced team members and the broader community through Discord fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing, further simplifying the transition.

  • Exclusive Subgraph Creation on The Graph Network: To incentivize developers to explore the benefits of the decentralized network, Sunbeam restricts new subgraph creation to The Graph Network itself. This gentle nudge encourages developers to familiarize themselves with the network's functionalities and leverage the advantages of decentralization, such as censorship resistance, transparency, and community-driven governance.

  • Auto-upgrade of Frequently Used Subgraphs: Sunbeam prioritizes the smooth operation of the network by implementing auto-upgrade functionality for frequently used hosted service subgraphs. The core developers of The Graph actively monitor and identify high-demand subgraphs that haven't yet been upgraded. These critical subgraphs are then automatically upgraded to the network, ensuring their continued functionality and preventing potential disruptions for applications that rely on them.

  • New Subgraph Updates Exclusive to The Graph Network: To further encourage complete adoption of the decentralized network, Sunbeam establishes a future point where new subgraph updates become exclusive to The Graph Network. This incentivizes developers to upgrade their existing subgraphs and fully embrace the network for ongoing maintenance and future development. This promotes a stronger network effect and reinforces the long-term sustainability of the decentralized model.

Benefits for Developers:

Sunbeam offers several benefits for developers transitioning from the hosted service:

  • Clear Timeline and Support: The defined upgrade window and dedicated support resources provide developers with a clear roadmap and readily available assistance, simplifying the upgrade process and minimizing potential disruptions.

  • Focus on Network Benefits: The various features within Sunbeam subtly but effectively guide developers towards embracing the advantages of the decentralized network. By promoting exclusive subgraph creation and prioritizing upgrades for critical subgraphs, Sunbeam highlights the benefits of a community-driven, resilient, and transparent data infrastructure.

Phase 3: Sunrise - A New Dawn for Decentralized Data

Phase 3, also known as Sunrise, marks the pinnacle of The Graph Rising initiative. It signifies the official transition from the hosted service to a fully decentralized network, leading to a new era of efficient and secure access to blockchain data.

Comparison to the Previous Model:

Sunrise represents a significant shift from the previous hosted service model. The hosted service, while providing a valuable introduction to The Graph's functionalities, ultimately lacked the inherent benefits of decentralization. Developers using the hosted service relied on a centralized infrastructure, potentially susceptible to censorship and single points of failure. Additionally, pricing for hosted service queries wasn't entirely transparent.

Key Features of Sunrise:

  • Retirement of Hosted Service Endpoints: Sunrise signifies the sunsetting of hosted service endpoints. This marks the complete shift towards a fully decentralized network as the primary platform for accessing and querying blockchain data. Developers will no longer rely on the hosted service infrastructure, but will instead leverage the power and resilience of a distributed network operated by independent Indexers.

  • Continued Network Evolution: While Sunrise signifies the completion of the transition from the hosted service, it doesn't represent the end of The Graph Network's development. The core developers remain committed to ongoing advancements in the network. These advancements might focus on areas like:

    • Scalability: As user adoption of The Graph Network grows, the ability to handle increased data volume and query requests becomes paramount. As is the custom for The Graph Network, The core development team would continue to introduce sharding or other scaling solutions to ensure the network's continued efficiency.

    • Developer Tools: Providing developers with even more intuitive and powerful tools will further streamline the process of building dApps on The Graph Network. This could involve the development of new APIs, improved documentation, and educational resources.

Benefits for Developers:

By embracing a fully decentralized network in Sunrise, developers gain access to several key advantages:

  • Access to a Resilient Network: The decentralized architecture of The Graph Network eliminates single points of failure, making it resistant to censorship and downtime. Developers can rely on a more dependable infrastructure for their dapps.

  • Higher Quality of Service: With a growing pool of independent Indexers competing to serve queries, developers can expect improved performance and reliability within the decentralized network. Indexers constantly strive to optimize their infrastructure to secure a larger share of queries, leading to faster query execution times and a more responsive user experience for dApps.

Upgrade Window and Performance Optimization Tips

Upgrade Window and Timeline:

The Sunbeam phase of The Graph Rising initiative has established a dedicated upgrade window for hosted service users to transition their subgraphs to The Graph Network. This window began on April 11th, 2024, and will conclude on June 12th, 2024. It's crucial for developers utilizing the hosted service to prioritize upgrading their subgraphs within this timeframe, as this ensures the continued functionality of their dapps.

Optimizing Queries and Improving Performance:

While transitioning to The Graph Network offers numerous benefits, developers can further enhance the performance and cost-effectiveness of their dapps by optimizing their queries. Here are some valuable suggestions to consider:

  • Identify and Eliminate Unnecessary Queries: Analyze your dapp's code to identify any sections that might be making redundant or unnecessary queries to the network. By streamlining your queries and fetching only the data essential for functionality, you can significantly reduce query costs.

  • Utilize Effective Caching Strategies: Implement caching mechanisms within your dapp to store frequently accessed data locally. This reduces the need for repetitive queries to the network, improving overall performance and user experience.

  • Leverage Batching for Multiple Fetches: If your dapp requires data from multiple entities within a subgraph, explore using batching techniques. Batching allows you to combine multiple queries into a single request, minimizing network overhead and improving efficiency.

  • Optimize Filtering and Sorting: When making queries, ensure you're using appropriate filters and sorting parameters. Precise filters allow you to retrieve only the relevant data, reducing the amount of information transferred and processed.

  • Monitor Query Costs and Usage Trends: Regularly monitor your dapp's query costs and usage patterns. This enables you to identify areas for further optimization and adjust your querying strategies as needed. The Graph Network provides tools and dashboards to help you visualize query costs and optimize resource utilization.

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Thank you for reading ;-)